Moving and Sizing Windows

 Minimizing, maximizing, and restoring windows

Windows allows you to easily enlarge, hide, or shrink a windows using the Minimize, Maximize, and Restore button.

The Minimize button is among the three buttons at the right end of the title bar. This button has a small dash (or minus sign). The Minimize button shrinks the window and places it on the taskbar while leaving the program running.

The Maximize button, which looks like a small window, is used to enlarge a window to cover the entire desktop.

After a window is maximized, the Maximize button changes to the Restore button. It looks like two Windows near one another. If you click the Restore button, the maximized window shrinks to its pervious size (the size it was before you maximized it).

Sizing windows

Sizing windows is slightly different from minimizing, restoring, and maximizing.

Note: You can’t size a window if it has been maximized.

To change the size of a window

     1.     However the mouse pointer over any corner of the window. (You can also place the pointer over the borders of the window.)

     2.     The mouse pointer changes into a double-headed arrow.

     3.     Click and hold down the left mouse button.

     4.     Drag the arrow out or in to make the window larger or smaller.

     5.     Release the mouse button when the window is the size you want.

Moving a window using the title bar

Sometime a window may obscure an item you want to click on or view.

To move a window:

     1.     Place the mouse pointer over the title bar (located at the top of the window).

     2.     Click and hold down the left mouse button. (You cannot move a window that has been maximized other than to use the Minimize button.)

     3.     Drag the window to the place where you want it, then release the mouse button.

Tiling and cascading windows

Sometimes moving and sizing multiple windows can create confusion. To keep better track of multiple windows, try cascading or tilting the windows.

Cascading windows are layered on top of each other.

Tiled windows are nest to each other. Windows can be tiled horizontally or vertically. If windows are tiled horizontally, they appear one above another. If window are tiled vertically, they appear side by side.

To cascading or tile windows:

     1.     With two or more windows open, right-click on the blank area of the taskbar.

     2.     Choose Cascade Windows, Tile Windows Horizontally, or Tile Windows Vertically.

To return to your previous windows arrangement:

     1.     Right-click on a blank area of the taskbar.

     2.     Select the Undo command.

To show the desktop:

     1.     Right-click on a blank area of the taskbar.

     2.     Choose Show the Desktop.

Switching between windows

Windows XP allows you to have more than one program open at the same time. It allows you to easily move between open windows. The window you select becomes the active window. When window is active on the desktop, its title bar (and button on the taskbar) is blue. When a window is active, the title bar is light blue.

TO switch between windows:

     1.     Open more than one program.

     2.     Size the windows so they’re open on the desktop.

     3.     Click on any part of the window you want to work with.
Click the program buttons on the taskbar to activate the window you want to work with.

Unlike previous versions of windows, Windows XP keeps the taskbar from getting too cluttered. It groups the buttons when too many accumulate on the taskbar. For example, when you open Outlook Express you’ll see one button on the taskbar. However, if you have three or more email message window open, one button represents the Outlook Express’s open windows.

Simply click the button to select form the pop-up list of open windows.

Switching using the keyboard method

When you have more than one window open, you can also switch between them using the keyboard.

To switch between windows using the keyboard method:

      1.     Open more than one program or window.

      2.     Press and hold down the Alt key while pressing the Tab key.

      3.     A menu featuring file and program icons appears.

      4.     Tab to the window you want to view. Once it’s outlined with a box, release both keys.

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